Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Collecting Cards

I am a baseball card collector. I also collect basketball cards and football cards. I started collecting less than a year ago. My cards are pretty much the only thing I care about beside my family (except for sports and TV).

I forget how I got into collecting but my friends collected too so maybe they got me into collecting. I like my cards because of the way they look, if they are uprising stars, if the card is a rookie card, and if it is in great condition or if it is graded (when someone assesses the card’s condition, on a scale of 1 to 10). Collecting has been a big part of my life since about 4 months ago. I have about 1200 cards. I got my brother started with some cards like a Pujols, Jeter, and Ortiz. My brother tells me he is a Yankees fan and he tells my dad that he is a Red Sox fan. It is a family rivalry with teams.

Here are my top 10 cards. I hope you like them! 
1. My # 1 card is a 1909 George Schlei card (pictured). He played for the Yankees. Tobacco cards are rare and expensive. The most a tobacco card ever sold for was $3.4 million dollars. I am pretty sure that mine is worth less than that!
2. # 2 is a Yogi Berra autograph. He is probably the best catcher ever next to Johnny Bench. The card is unfortunately from 2001. Yogi retired in 1965, but it is still a Yogi “auto.” He is also famous for his quotes like “It ain’t over till its over.”
3. # 3 is a Josh Hamilton “auto” triple threads patch (that means there are 3 pieces of different jerseys in the card). He tied a Major League record for the most home runs in a game (4). He was just traded to the Angels a little while ago. There are only 75 of the exact same card in the world.
4. Next up is a Miguel Cabrera’s 4th year card. It is his “auto” too and there are only 25 in the world! Last season he got the triple crown award. Last time someone had that award was in 1967 by Yaz who used to be with the Red Sox. It seems to be in excellent condition but I’m not a card grader so I am not sure.
5. #5 is a LeBron James RC (i.e. rookie card). It is graded 10 out of 10! It also has a part of his high school patch. I think he is the best basketball player ever and I am going to see him play tomorrow. There is also Michael Jordan and I think Larry Bird and Kobe are up there.
6. Next we have a Joe Montana RC. He is the best QB of all time next to Brady and P. Manning. The corners are in perfect condition but the color of the card is fading.
7. Next up is a 1961 Ted Williams card. It’s graded 4 out of 10. He won the triple crown award twice. Only 2 people did that Ted Williams and Rogers Hornsby.
8. # 8 is a Derek Jeter RC 10 out of 10 graded by BCCG. He is one of the Yankees all time greats. I am a Yankees fan so I love this card.
9. # 9 is a Peyton Manning RC. It is graded 10 out of 10. He is one of the best QB ever. My dad got it on eBay for me and it was the only card of its type on eBay.
10. # 10, last but not least is a Miguel Cabrera RC. It is not graded. He is a definite future Hall Of Famer (H.O.F.).

                       I hope you liked my top 10 cards. And I hope I got you into collecting!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A great trip with my dad

The Red Sox bullpen
It was thursday when I left for Boston. We unpacked and then I saw a pool! I went swimming with my dad. After we took a cat nap for about 15 minutes. My dad bought tickets for $150. We left at 5:00. The game started at 7:00. We sat next to the ball boy. I got a ball! It was only my second baseball game.

It ended at midnight, we were so tired.

There were 2 very nice people. We were trying to get a cab from Fenway. They were waiting much longer then we did and a cab pulled up. They were about to get in. Then they realized me. They said you can take this one it is past his bedtime. And we took it and got back to the Hyatt hotel. I watched the end of the Heat vs. Thunder. Miami has another banner! I slept like a baby.

I woke up at 9:00. We got dressed then took a walk for breakfeast. We ate 3 sandwiches and 4 lemonades. The best lemonades you can get are at Panera Bread. Those were really good too. I loved Boston sooooo much! When we entered a man gave me and my friend Dasha baseball cards. Dasha is a really nice girl. I can't believe I got 2 MLB baseballs! The catcher was not Salty it was a dark skinned cather. He looked really nice and he gave me a real ball. I saw Chipper Jones, he will be in the hall of fame one day.

That's me on first base!
A man next to us at the game said he payed $50 for a Fenway Park 100 year anniversary ball. I have a couple of tips for all you people out there who want a ball or a autograph. 1. Get tickets to a baseball game. 2. Arrive early. 3. If you sit far from the field try to sit close to the field when other people are not there. 4. If you can't get near the field sit next to the bullpen. Will Middlebrooks hit a big big HOMERUN! I think he is going to be rookie of the year. I could use his card.

My dad got me a pack of Boston Red Sox cards. I even got Cy Young! Youk already played a couple of games for the White Sox. He's not wearing red and white any more. A Sharpie at Fenway is $4! It's so expensive. We bought 1 and it turns out I didn't get an autograph and I had a Sharpie in my bag. A waste of $4.

Here is a hint the second the game is over go to gate D at Fenway. That is where the players come out and look for nice cars. My dad saw Bobby Valentine drive off in his car. How cool would it be to live next to a player like Pedroia, Ortiz, Gonzalez, and Middlebrooks. It was a record breaking temperature for hottest day. We heard Sweet Carolina both nights, it is a great song. Everyone sings along even fans from the other team sing along.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

my first made up story

Once there was a tiger named Bob. He had a friend named Eli Sehnaoui. He had a girlfriend. She loved Eli. Eli kissed her on the cheek.

One day Eli went out for dinner. He found 2 wierd things a gold coin and a necklace. He wore it for his good luck charm. but he didn't know that it was a bad luck charm. So he kept it on until he got on a bus and something made him tired so he fell asleep and missed his stop. But he thought it was a cowinsidense. So he still kept it on until phrase 2. He got into a car crash. The good thing is that he didn't get hurt. but his car was damaged badly. And yet he still keeps it on. So phrase 3 happens. He was playing catch with his son Zach and Zach through it so hard it hit his face. Finally he throwes it ou. but whemn he woke up the next night guess what eh found on his neck. The necklace. He threw it out again. His wife found a necklace on a table at a store. Eli said don't buy that I used and it gave me bad luck. Nonsence said his wife. Eli said Here We Go Again.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas

My family and I had so much fun decorating our Christmas tree. We watched the Jets VS. New york Giants. The only problem is I’m a Patriots fan. All those other teams stink.

On Christmas Eve lots of our family came over to open presents and eat lunch. My nanny bought me a football. I broke a snowglobe. My mom broke a plate a glass and another plate. She also got a ninjago guy his name is whiplash she got whiplash for my birthday. My dad and I play with the football every day. On Christmas  I got a ninjago set called the SkullTruck and a remote control car. On that day my brother broke a wheel from my car.The only guy I need now is the green ninja and Samukai.        

Most of today I spent writing on my blog. My brother is watching a show called Pair of Kings. My mom is addicted to Plants VS. Zombies. Shes been addicted sense September in fact she is playing it now.                                                                  

Today my dad took me out all day. Most of the time I was playing Mario Kart 7 and Madden NFL 12. For lunch we went to a place called Chipotle. My dad has a friend there she is the cashier. I got a soft taco with chicken, tomato, beans, guacamole and rice. After lunch we went to Monster Golf. You can win prizes by playing games. I got the high score in a basketball game. The high score was 92. I got 97. I had 200 tickets. With those tickets I got 2 goopy snakes. 1 red the other blue.You can stick them to walls like goopy hands.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Getting to know Paris (where I was born)

Waiting on the plane
We have just boarded the plane. My parents brought me here for my birthday. We are in the business lounge. That means we are lucky people. We have no windows because we are in the middle. There is a right,left, and middle. I was born in Paris. I am more excited then ever,even more then I went to China but that was awesome to.


The plane is flying

It is night time. I wish my class could come with me but that would be like $5000000. Now it is dinner time. I am having beef ravioli and salad. The ravioli was good but to salty. I didn't eat the salad.

At the appartment

We are spending 2 nights at our friends parents house. I kept slipping of the bed so I moved to the couch that was much better but only 3 feet long.

Going out

Red, white and blue
There is a famous road called the Champs-Elysees. They always light that street up beautiful. Tonight they had circles and mini circles hanging on the bottom of them. It lit up any color you could imagine. They are supposed to leave it up for the whole year.

The best view in town
The ferris wheel

Paris is known for two things the city of love and the city of lights. We went on the ferris wheel and saw a bunch of things like the Eiffel tower, the church with Jesus’s thorns from the thorn crown, and the famous river that cuts Paris in half, called the Seine.

Jet lag

I always wake up at night and can;t get back to bed so I look at my iPad for the time so I know how long I have to wait. My brother snores that is why I wake up and play with iPad. I took pictures of him sleeping but he hopefully wont care.

iPad dead

My dad bought a thing that was supposed to charge our iPad. We tried it out and Paris doesn’t have 3 things sticking out it has 2 circle ones and a hole. That didn’t work out too much. We bought 1 more that worked but not for iPods.


We bought an Eiffel tower that is bigger than usual. We have zero euros so we have to get more at a bank. Euros are worth a little more than one dollar.

The restaurant

We saw my aunt Nina at a restaurant called Angelina. They are famous for their desserts. They are in the top 3 dessert restaurants in Paris. We had a chocolate éclair and a mille-feuilles and some sandwiches.

Learning French

My dad taught me a couple of words in French like bonjour means hi and au revoir means bye and merci means thank you and last but not least, téléphone means telephone.

Inside a pyramid

My dad and I played baseball in front of the Louvre. They have lots of gardens surrounding it so we had to play on some sort of sand or dirt. It used to be the king’s garden and he would let his friends play and walk around in it. I slipped a lot on that dirt because it is not like what we play on in our back yard.

The Museum

We saw lots of famous pictures but the most famous, #1 in the world, the Mona Lisa. I couldn’t see so I went on my dads head and got caught by a cop so I came down and I kicked someone in the face. I hope the lady was not hurt, she did not seem too mad at me. The cop brought me to the front of the crowd so I can get a better picture of the Mona Lisa.


When  I was sleeping at 7:30 am my dad got like 10 pains au chocolat. I woke up the first thing I did was eat eat eat.

The cave

When my dad was little he lived in Paris in front of the Eiffel tower. There’s a old pond, sometimes they used to drain the pond and my dad would ride his bike in the pond your not supposed to do that but he was only 9. The cops used to chase them a lot through a restricted cave and saw poor people and they threw twigs and rocks at my dad and his friends. My dad took me to the pond at night and we saw a shadow in the cave. I wonder if it’s the same people who threw rocks at my dad.The we saw something huge that jumped in the pond. It was too big to be a fish but it was too small to be a person.

The hotel

We just arrived at our hotel called the hotel Keppler. It is on Kepler street. I wonder why hotel Keppler has 2 Ps and Kepler street has 1. Our room is small but nice. Have you ever seen black soap? I have in our bathroom.


We’re having brunch at a place called Noura. On the way we saw a famous TV star that my dad liked when he was young. I played my iPod most of the time until my battery died. Then I started to eat our food. It was Lebanese food.

Under the tower
Eiffel tower

At 9 pm when my mom was sleeping my dad took me and Eli to the Eiffel tower. At the top of every hour they make the Eiffel tower shine and when I say shine I mean shine.


We saw a restaurant called Diep. We saw a friend of ours, uncle Karim. He showed me a game called A Breaker. Hopefully my parents will let me get it. They have no wifi so I could not download it at the restaurant. I had dumplings, noodles and wraps. When I went to the bathroom I saw a tank of fish and lobsters. My brother fell asleep and it felt like he slept for 20 hours.


Tonight I slept like an angel. While  my brother played the iPad for some reason he talks and moves in his sleep. My dad is sleeping on a couch that is 3 feet small because he snores. The only time I woke up was when my dad snored in my ear.

Hotels breakfast room

We just came down for breakfast. We had hot chocolate and lots of things they even have fruit salad and they had lots of pains au chocolat but not even half as good as the ones we buy at Ladurée.

Got to learn more French

We are at our friends house but it turns out they only speak French so I have to learn more to communicate with them. They have 2 kids Thomas and Ella. They have the biggest apartment I ever seen. Ella has a lot of dolls especially Barbies. Now we ate dinner, we had pasta and proshooto. We are playing iPad and I am playing Sonic 5 Run. They don’t have wifi so I cant get A Breaker here either.

Not understanding

Hanging out at the Louvre
My mom had a meeting so I had to stay at Thomas’s house for a long time. To think that I watched a TV show in a language I couldn’t even understand. I was born in France so I should know how to understand all these words but I don’t.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I did not get to write happy Thanksgiving so happy day after Thanksgiving. We celabrate Thanksgiving today my cousins Danny and Kate are coming also my relatives but I'm most excited to see them. His favorite sport is probably Football or baseball. We are going to have some Korean stuff and turkey too. We are gona have duck gook it seems bad right but it's pretty good once you try it and almost every thing else is normal.

My cousin hits the baseball like a pro. We are both Yankees fans and you Red Sox  fans you might want to think about transfering to the Yankees side. My cousins good at 2 things baseball and football, he is good at throwing the ball and catching.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Goblin shark smiles
whale shark not so hungry
Goblin sharks were thought to be extinct. Then in the 1890's one was cought off the coast of Japan.  they are wierd but cool. Since then this strange shark has also been found in deep waters off South America, Europe, Southern Australia and Asia. Whale sharks are the largest fish ever growing up to be 40ft long and weighing to be 3 tons. Whale sharks are harmless. Whale sharks let scubadivers hang on there fin but look out for there tale it can whip you and there scaly skin. Do you want to hear a joke why did the great white cross the ocean on Christmas? To meat his friend reef shark.